We were left scratching our heads when management revealed the exciting truth: YellowBrick had burned through it's funding. Where did all of that cash go? Was it spent wisely? Well, we know where some of it went. With such frivolous spending on everything from "SuperBowl Weekends w/ Mistresses" to lunch everyday on the company dime, we weren't surprised when YellowBrick announced they were broke.

Read All the Gory Details of Where the Money Went

What we can't figure out is why investors would dump more money into a company like this! Why not just take your $6 million dollars and give it to a bunch of Chimpanzees at the local zoo? Seriously, we think YellowBrick's recent round of funding from their previous investors is a textbook example of throwing good money after bad. Who would buy their product? They have no one there to test,implement, or support the product. They haven't anyone left in Professional Services besides Charles Gaddy, and he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. He onced fucked up a basic HTML and Javascript project for a customer so badly that a sick coworker had to spend two whole days redoing his work! (This dumb ass is now the VP of Professional Services; he may not be technically competent, but he is apparantly an expert sycophant.)